// source --> https://ryanrwatkins.com/wp-content/plugins/advanced-iframe/js/ai.js?ver=799045 /** * Advanced iframe free/pro functions v7.6.x */ /* jslint devel: true, unused: false */ /* globals ai_show_id_only:false, aiIsIe8: false, aiChangeUrl: false, aiResizeIframeHeightId: false, aiShowIframeId: false, findAndReplaceDOMText: false */ var aiEnableCookie=false; var aiId=''; var aiExtraSpace = 0; var accTime = 0; var aiReadyCallbacks = ( typeof aiReadyCallbacks !== 'undefined' && aiReadyCallbacks instanceof Array ) ? aiReadyCallbacks : []; /** * This function resizes the iframe after loading to the height * of then content of the iframe. * * The extra space is not stored in the cookie! The height would * be added every time otherwise and the iframe would grow, */ function aiResizeIframe(obj, resize_width, resize_min_height) { try { if (obj.contentWindow.location.href == 'about:blank') { return; } if (obj.contentWindow.document.body != null) { var oldScrollposition = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); obj.style.marginTop = obj.style.marginBottom = 0; obj.height = Number(resize_min_height); // set to 1 because otherwise the iframe does never get smaller. obj.style.height = Number(resize_min_height) + 'px'; var newheight = aiGetIframeHeight(obj); obj.height = newheight; obj.style.height = newheight + 'px'; // set the height of the zoom div if (jQuery('#ai-zoom-div-' + obj.id).length !== 0) { var zoom = window['zoom_' + obj.id]; jQuery('#ai-zoom-div-' + obj.id).css('height', newheight * zoom); } if (aiEnableCookie && aiExtraSpace === 0 ) { aiWriteCookie(newheight); } jQuery(document).scrollTop(oldScrollposition); if (resize_width === 'true') { var newWidth = aiGetIframeWidth(obj); obj.width = newWidth; obj.style.width = newWidth + 'px'; } var fCallback = window['resizeCallback' + obj.id]; fCallback(); // fires the onload event again if iframes are wrapped if (window.frameElement != null) { parent.jQuery('iframe').trigger('onload'); } } else { // body is not loaded yet - we wait 100 ms. setTimeout(function() { aiResizeIframe(obj, resize_width); },100); } } catch(e) { if (console && console.log) { console.log('Advanced iframe configuration error: You have enabled the resize of the iframe for pages on the same domain. But you use an iframe page on a different domain. You need to use the external workaround like described in the settings. Also check the next log. There the browser message for this error is displayed.'); console.log(e); } } } /** * Get the iframe height */ function aiGetIframeHeight(obj) { var bodyHeight = Math.max(obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight, obj.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight, obj.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight, obj.contentWindow.document.documentElement.offsetHeight); var newheight = bodyHeight + aiExtraSpace; return newheight; } /** * Get the iframe width */ function aiGetIframeWidth(obj) { var oldWidth = obj.width; obj.width = 1; // set to 1 because otherwise I don't get the minimum width obj.style.width = '1px'; var bodyWidth = Math.max(obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth, obj.contentWindow.document.body.offsetWidth, obj.contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollWidth, obj.contentWindow.document.documentElement.offsetWidth); if (bodyWidth !== 1) { // avoid that fully responsive sites do not get displayed at all. obj.width = bodyWidth; obj.style.width = bodyWidth + 'px'; } else { obj.width = oldWidth; obj.style.width = oldWidth + 'px'; } return bodyWidth; } /** * Get the current width of the iframe inside the parent. */ function aiGetParentIframeWidth(obj) { if (obj != null && jQuery('#' + obj.id).length !== 0) { return jQuery('#' + obj.id).width(); } else { return -1; } } /** * Resizes an iframe to a given height. * this is used for xss enabled iframes. * Please read the documentation! */ function aiResizeIframeHeightById(id, nHeight) { try { var fCallback = window['resizeCallback' + id]; fCallback(); var height = parseInt(nHeight,10) + aiExtraSpace; var iframe = document.getElementById(id); var oldScrollposition = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); iframe.height = height; iframe.style.height = height + 'px'; jQuery(document).scrollTop(oldScrollposition); if (aiEnableCookie && aiExtraSpace === 0) { aiWriteCookie(height); } // send the new height to the parent if it is a wrapped call var parentResizeCall = window['aiExecuteWorkaround_' + id]; if (parentResizeCall != null) { parentResizeCall(); } } catch(e) { if (console && console.log) { console.log('Advanced iframe configuration error: The id of the parent and the external workaround are different! Check your settings.'); console.log(e); } } } /** * Scrolls the parent window to the top. * This is e.g. wanted when you have a link in the iframe and you want that the * page starts at the top and not that only the iframe changes. */ function aiScrollToTop(id, position) { if (position === 'iframe') { var pos = jQuery('#' + id).position(); window.scrollTo(0, pos.top); } else { window.scrollTo(0,0); } } /** * Writes the last height to the cookie. */ function aiWriteCookie(height) { var cookieName = 'ai-last-height'; if (aiId !== '') { cookieName = cookieName + '-' + aiId ; } var cookieStr = cookieName + '=' + height; document.cookie=cookieStr; } /** * Reads the cookie and preset the height of the iframe */ function aiUseCookie() { var cookieName = 'ai-last-height'; if (aiId !== '') { cookieName = cookieName + '-' + aiId ; } var allcookies = document.cookie; // Get all the cookies pairs in an array var cookiearray = allcookies.split(';'); // Now take key value pair out of this array for(var i=0; i 1) { if (targ.id.toLowerCase().indexOf(selectorArray[1].toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return true; } } else { return true; } } } return false; } function openSelectorWindow (url) { var local_width = jQuery('#width').val(); var local_height = jQuery('#height').val(); if (local_width.indexOf('%') >= 0 || Number(local_width) < 900) { local_width = 900; } local_width = Number(local_width) + 40; if ( local_width > (screen.width)) { local_width = screen.width; } if (local_height.indexOf('%') >= 0) { local_height = screen.height; } else { local_height = Number(local_height) + 480; } if ( local_height > (screen.height-50)) { local_height = screen.height-50; } var options = 'width='+local_width+',height='+local_height+',left=0,top=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1'; var popup_window = window.open(url, '', options); popup_window.focus(); } function openTab(id) { jQuery(id).next().show(); } function aiDisableAiResizeOptions(value) { jQuery('#onload_resize_delay').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('input[id=store_height_in_cookie1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=store_height_in_cookie2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('#additional_height').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('input[id=onload_resize_width1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=onload_resize_width2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('#resize_on_click').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('#resize_on_click_elements').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('#resize_on_ajax').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('input[id=resize_on_ajax_jquery1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=resize_on_ajax_jquery2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); } function aiDisablePartOfIframeOptions(value) { jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_x').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_y').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_height').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_width').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_allow_scrollbar_horizontal1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_allow_scrollbar_horizontal2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_allow_scrollbar_vertical1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_allow_scrollbar_vertical2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports_loop1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports_loop2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_new_window').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_new_url').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports_hide1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports_hide2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('#show_part_of_iframe_style').prop('readonly',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_zoom1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_zoom2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_part_of_iframe_zoom3]:radio').attr('disabled',value); } function aiDisableLazyLoadOptions(value) { jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_threshold').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_fadetime').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('input[id=enable_lazy_load_reserve_space1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=enable_lazy_load_reserve_space2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=enable_lazy_load_manual1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=enable_lazy_load_manual2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=enable_lazy_load_manual3]:radio').attr('disabled',value); } function aiDisableIframeAsLayerOptions(value) { jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_full]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('#show_iframe_as_layer_header_file').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('#show_iframe_as_layer_header_height').prop('readonly', value); jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_header_position1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_header_position2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_full1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_full2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_full3]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_keep_content1]:radio').attr('disabled',value); jQuery('input[id=show_iframe_as_layer_keep_content2]:radio').attr('disabled',value); } var instance; /** * This function initializes all checks that are done by Javascript * on the admin page like enabling disabling fields... */ function initAdminConfiguration(isPro, acc_type) { // enable checkbox of onload_resize_delay and if resize is set to true external workaround is set to false if (jQuery('input[type=radio][name=onload_resize]:checked').val() === 'false') { aiDisableAiResizeOptions(true); } jQuery('input[type=radio][name=onload_resize]').click( function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() === 'true') { jQuery('input:radio[name=enable_external_height_workaround]')[1].checked = true; // set to external! aiDisableAiResizeOptions(false); } else { jQuery('#onload_resize_delay').val(''); aiDisableAiResizeOptions(true); } }); // if external workaround is set to to true resize on load is set to false and the // onload_resize_delay is made readonly jQuery('input[type=radio][name=enable_external_height_workaround]').click( function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() === 'true') { jQuery('input:radio[name=onload_resize]')[1].checked = true; jQuery('#onload_resize_delay').val(''); aiDisableAiResizeOptions(true); } }); // Show only a part of the iframe enable/disable if (jQuery('input[type=radio][name=show_part_of_iframe]:checked').val() === 'false') { aiDisablePartOfIframeOptions(true); } jQuery('input[type=radio][name=show_part_of_iframe]').click( function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() === 'false') { aiDisablePartOfIframeOptions(true); } else { aiDisablePartOfIframeOptions(false); } }); // show_iframe_as_layer enable/disable if (jQuery('input[type=radio][name=show_iframe_as_layer]:checked').val() === 'false') { aiDisableIframeAsLayerOptions(true); } jQuery('input[type=radio][name=show_iframe_as_layer]').click( function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() === 'false') { aiDisableIframeAsLayerOptions(true); } else { aiDisableIframeAsLayerOptions(false); } }); // if expert mode if (jQuery('input[type=radio][name=expert_mode]:checked').val() === 'true') { jQuery('.description').css('display','none'); jQuery('table.form-table th').css('cursor','pointer'); jQuery('table.form-table th').css('padding-top','8px').css('padding-bottom','2px'); jQuery('table.form-table td').css('padding-top','5px').css('padding-bottom','5px'); jQuery('table.form-table th').click(function() { jQuery('.description').css('display','none'); jQuery('.description', jQuery(this).parent()).css('display','block'); }); } jQuery('input[type=radio][name=expert_mode]').click( function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() === 'false') { jQuery('.description').css('display','block'); jQuery('table.form-table th').css('cursor','auto'); jQuery('table.form-table th').off('click'); jQuery('table.form-table th').css('padding-top','20px').css('padding-bottom','20px'); jQuery('table.form-table td').css('padding-top','15px').css('padding-bottom','15px'); } else { jQuery('.description').css('display','none'); jQuery('table.form-table th').css('cursor','pointer'); jQuery('table.form-table th').css('padding-top','8px').css('padding-bottom','2px'); jQuery('table.form-table td').css('padding-top','5px').css('padding-bottom','5px'); jQuery('table.form-table th').click(function() { jQuery('.description').css('display','none'); jQuery('.description', jQuery(this).parent()).css('display','block'); }); } }); jQuery('#accordion').find('h1').click(function(){ jQuery(this).next().slideToggle(accTime); }).next().hide(); jQuery('#accordion').find('a').click(function(){ var hash = jQuery(this).prop('hash'); var hash_only = '#h1-' + hash.substring(1); jQuery(hash_only).next().show(); location.hash = hash_only; }); // lazy load if (jQuery('input[type=radio][name=enable_lazy_load_manual]:checked').val() === 'false') { jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_manual_element').prop('readonly',true); } jQuery('input[type=radio][name=enable_lazy_load_manual]').click( function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() === 'false' || jQuery(this).val() === 'auto') { jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_manual_element').prop('readonly',true); } else { jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_manual_element').prop('readonly',false); } }); if (jQuery('input[type=radio][name=enable_lazy_load]:checked').val() === 'false') { aiDisableLazyLoadOptions(true); jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_manual_element').prop('readonly',true); } jQuery('input[type=radio][name=enable_lazy_load]').click( function(){ if (jQuery(this).val() === 'false') { aiDisableLazyLoadOptions(true); jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_manual_element').prop('readonly',true); } else { aiDisableLazyLoadOptions(false); if (jQuery('input[type=radio][name=enable_lazy_load_manual]:checked').val() === 'false' || jQuery('input[type=radio][name=enable_lazy_load_manual]:checked').val() === 'auto' ) { jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_manual_element').prop('readonly',true); } else { jQuery('#enable_lazy_load_manual_element').prop('readonly', false); } } }); jQuery('.confirmation').on('click', function () { return confirm('Are you sure?'); }); jQuery('a.post').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var href = this.href; var parts = href.split('?'); var url = parts[0]; var params = parts[1].split('&'); var pp, inputs = ''; url += '?' + params[0]; for(var i = 1, n = params.length; i < n; i++) { pp = params[i].split('='); inputs += ''; } jQuery('body').append('
'); jQuery('#poster').submit(); }); jQuery('.ai-input-search').keyup(function(e) { var searchTerm = jQuery('input.ai-input-search').val().toLowerCase(); aiSettingsSearch(searchTerm, acc_type); }); jQuery('.ai-input-search').on('click', function(e) { setTimeout(function() { var searchTerm = jQuery('input.ai-input-search').val().toLowerCase(); aiSettingsSearch(searchTerm, acc_type); }, 100); }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', '.nav-tab-wrapper a', function() { var current_tab = jQuery(this).attr('id'); jQuery('section').hide(); jQuery('section.' + current_tab ).show(); jQuery('#current_tab').val(current_tab.substr(4,1)); jQuery('.nav-tab').removeClass('nav-tab-active'); jQuery(this).addClass('nav-tab-active'); jQuery(this).blur(); return false; }); // set the links between tabs and open the right one at the right section. jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a#external-workaround-link', function() { jQuery('.external-workaround').click(); jQuery(document).scrollTop(0); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a#resize-same-link', function() { jQuery('.advanced-settings-tab').click(); location.hash = 'rt'; return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a.jquery-help-link', function() { jQuery('.help-tab').click(); jQuery('#jquery-help').show(); location.hash = 'jqh'; showHeader(); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a#browser-detection-link', function() { jQuery('.help-tab').click(); jQuery('#browser-help').show(); location.hash = 'browser-detection-id'; showHeader(); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a.howto-id-link', function() { jQuery('.help-tab').click(); location.hash = 'how-id'; showHeader(); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', '.modifycontent-link', function() { jQuery('.advanced-settings-tab').click(); jQuery('#h1-mi').next().show(); location.hash = '#mi-id'; showHeader(); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a.link-external-domain', function() { location.hash = '#h-external-domain'; showHeader(); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a#user-help-link', function() { jQuery('#user-help').css('display', 'block'); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a#user-meta-link', function() { jQuery('#meta-help').css('display', 'block'); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', '#ai-selector-help-link', function() { jQuery('#ai-selector-help').slideDown(1000); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', '.ai-selector-help-link-move', function() { location.hash = '#ai-selector-help-link'; showHeader(); jQuery('#ai-selector-help').show('slow'); return false; }); jQuery(document).on( 'click', 'a.post-message-help-link', function() { jQuery('.help-tab').click(); location.hash = 'com-post-message'; showHeader(); return false; }); // check the open accordeon elements and write it to the hidden field jQuery('#ai_form').submit(function() { // go over all divs which are not hidden and get the h1 before and get the id of this var openSections = ''; jQuery('#accordion').find('div:visible').each(function() { var $this = jQuery(this); var open = $this.prev('h1').attr('id'); if (open !== undefined) { if (openSections !== '') { openSections += ','; } openSections += '#' + open; } }); // set the hidden variable jQuery('#current_open_sections').val(openSections); setAiScrollposition(); }); } function aiSettingsSearch(searchTerm, acc_type) { var found = 0; if (searchTerm !== '') { jQuery('#ai p').not('.form-table p').hide(); jQuery('#ai ul').not('.form-table ul').hide(); jQuery('#ai ol').not('.form-table ol').hide(); if (acc_type !== 'false') { jQuery('#ai h1').not('.show-always').hide(); jQuery('#ai #accordion').attr('id','acc'); jQuery('#ai #acc > div').show(); jQuery('#ai #spacer-div').show(); } jQuery('#ai h2,#ai .icon_ai,#ai h3,#ai h4').not('.show-always').hide(); jQuery('#ai .form-table').addClass('ai-remove-margin'); jQuery('#ai hr, .signup_account_container, .config-file-block').hide(); jQuery('#ai .hide-always').hide(); jQuery('#ai .hide-search').hide(); } else { jQuery('#ai p').not('.form-table p').show(); jQuery('#ai section .ai-anchor').show(); jQuery('#ai ul').not('.form-table ul').show(); jQuery('#ai ol').not('.form-table ol').show(); if (acc_type !== 'false') { jQuery('#ai h1').not('.show-always').show(); jQuery('#ai #acc').attr('id','accordion'); jQuery('#ai #accordion > div').hide(); jQuery('#ai #spacer-div').hide(); } jQuery('#ai h2,#ai .icon_ai,#ai h3,#ai h4').not('.show-always').show(); jQuery('#ai .form-table').removeClass('ai-remove-margin'); jQuery('#ai hr, .signup_account_container, .config-file-block').show(); jQuery('#ai .sub-domain-container').show(); jQuery('#ai .hide-search').show(); jQuery('#ai .hide-always').hide(); } jQuery('#ai .mark-tab-header').removeClass('mark-tab-header'); var firstHit = ''; // check the search. jQuery('#ai tr').each(function() { var $this = jQuery(this); var valueLabel = $this.find('th').text(); var valueDescription = $this.find('p.description').text(); valueLabel = (valueLabel !== undefined) ? valueLabel.toLowerCase() : 'XXXXXXX'; valueDescription = (valueDescription !== undefined) ? valueDescription.toLowerCase() : 'XXXXXXX'; if (valueLabel.indexOf(searchTerm) === -1 && valueDescription.indexOf(searchTerm) === -1) { $this.addClass('hide-setting'); } else { $this.closest('table').prevAll('h2:first').show(); $this.closest('table').prevAll('#ai .icon_ai:first').show(); $this.closest('table').nextAll('p.button-submit:first').show(); $this.removeClass('hide-setting'); $this.closest('.hide-search').show(); if (searchTerm.length > 2) { var header_id = $this.closest('section').attr('class'); if (header_id !== undefined) { jQuery('#' + header_id).addClass('mark-tab-header'); if (firstHit==='') { firstHit = header_id; } } } found++; } }); if (found === 0) { jQuery('#ai-input-search-result').show(); jQuery('#ai .mark-tab-header').removeClass('mark-tab-header'); } else { jQuery('#ai-input-search-result').hide(); // https://github.com/padolsey/findAndReplaceDOMText instance && instance.revert(); if (searchTerm !== '' && searchTerm.length > 2) { var regex = RegExp(searchTerm, 'gi'); instance = findAndReplaceDOMText(document.getElementById('tab_wrapper'), { find: regex, wrap: 'em' }); } jQuery('#' + firstHit).click(); } } /** * Resizes the iframe with a certain ratio. * Width is read and the height is than calculated. */ function aiResizeIframeRatio(obj, ratio) { var width = jQuery('#' + obj.id).width(); var valueRatio = parseFloat(ratio.replace(',', '.')); var newHeight = Math.ceil(width * valueRatio); obj.height = newHeight; obj.style.height = newHeight + 'px'; } /** * Generate a shortcode string from the current settings. */ function aiGenerateShortcode() { var output = '[advanced_iframe '; // default section if (jQuery('#securitykey').val() !=='') { output += 'securitykey="' + jQuery('#securitykey').val() + '" '; } output += 'use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" '; var include_html_val = jQuery('#include_html').val(); var include_url_val = jQuery('#include_url').val(); var document_domain_add = jQuery('#document_domain_add').val(); if (include_html_val === undefined || (include_html_val === '' && include_url_val === '')) { var src = jQuery('#src').val(); if (src === '') { alert('Required url is missing.'); } else { output += 'src="' + src + '" '; } output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('width'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('height'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('scrolling','none'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('enable_ios_mobile_scolling','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('marginwidth'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('marginheight'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('frameborder'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('transparency','true'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('class'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('style'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('id'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('name'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('allowfullscreen','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('safari_fix_url'); // advanced settings output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('url_forward_parameter'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('map_parameter_to_url'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('add_iframe_url_as_param','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('add_iframe_url_as_param_prefix'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('onload_scroll_top','false'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('hide_page_until_loaded','false'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_iframe_loader','false'); 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output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('content_id'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('content_styles'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('parent_content_css'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('add_css_class_parent','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('change_parent_links_target'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_iframe_as_layer', 'false'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_iframe_as_layer_full', 'false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('show_iframe_as_layer_header_file'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcodeWithDefault('show_iframe_as_layer_header_height','100'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_iframe_as_layer_header_position', 'top'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_iframe_as_layer_keep_content', 'true'); // show only a part of the iframe var showPartOfIframe = aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_part_of_iframe','false'); output += showPartOfIframe; if (showPartOfIframe !== '') { output += aiGenerateTextShortcodeWithDefault('show_part_of_iframe_x',-1); output += aiGenerateTextShortcodeWithDefault('show_part_of_iframe_y',-1); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_width'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_height'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_allow_scrollbar_horizontal','false'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_allow_scrollbar_vertical','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_style'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_zoom','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports_loop','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_new_window'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_new_url'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('show_part_of_iframe_next_viewports_hide','false'); } output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('hide_part_of_iframe'); // same domain output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('add_css_class_iframe','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('iframe_hide_elements'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('onload_show_element_only'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('iframe_content_id'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('iframe_content_styles'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('iframe_content_css'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('change_iframe_links'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('change_iframe_links_target'); // resize content height output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('onload'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('onload_resize','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('onload_resize_delay'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('store_height_in_cookie','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('additional_height'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('onload_resize_width','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('resize_on_ajax'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('resize_on_ajax_jquery','true'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('resize_on_click'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcodeWithDefault('resize_on_click_elements','a'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('resize_on_element_resize'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcodeWithDefault('resize_on_element_resize_delay','250'); // tabs output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('tab_hidden'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('tab_visible'); // cross domain .... output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('add_document_domain','false'); // if (document_domain_add === 'true') { output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('document_domain'); } output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('enable_external_height_workaround','external'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('hide_page_until_loaded_external','false'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('pass_id_by_url'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('multi_domain_enabled','false'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('use_post_message','false'); // additional files output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('additional_css'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('additional_js'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('additional_js_file_iframe'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('additional_css_file_iframe'); } else { // include content directly if (include_html_val === '') { output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('include_url'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('include_content'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('include_height'); output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('include_fade'); output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('include_hide_page_until_loaded','false'); } else { output += aiGenerateTextShortcode('include_html'); } } // options output += aiGenerateRadioShortcode('debug_js','false'); output += ']'; jQuery('#gen-shortcode').html(output); } /** * Generate a text shortcode with default */ function aiGenerateTextShortcodeWithDefault(field, defaultValue) { var output = ''; var value = jQuery('#' + field); var val = value.val(); if (value.length > 0 && val !== '' && val !== defaultValue) { output = field + '="' + val + '" '; } return output; } /** * Generate a text shortcode if the value is not empty or != 0 */ function aiGenerateTextShortcode(field) { var output = ''; var value = jQuery('#' + field); var val = value.val(); if (value.length > 0 && val !== '' && val !== '0') { output = field + '="' + val + '" '; } return output; } /** * Generate a radio shortcode with default */ function aiGenerateRadioShortcode(field, defaultValue) { var output = ''; var value = jQuery('input:radio[name='+field+']:checked'); var val = value.val(); if (value.length > 0 && val !== defaultValue) { output += field + '="' + val + '" '; } return output; } /** * Add a css class to the parents to enable that the iframe parents * can be identified very easy. Is an is ist set ai-class- is used. * Otherwise a-class- with an increasing number is used. */ function aiAddCssClassAllParents(element) { var parents = jQuery(element).parentsUntil( 'html' ); var ai_class= 'ai-class-'; for(var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++){ var id = jQuery(parents[i]).attr('id'); if (typeof id !== 'undefined') { if (id.indexOf('ai-') !== 0) { jQuery(parents[i]).addClass(ai_class + id); } } else { jQuery(parents[i]).addClass(ai_class + i); } } } function aiAutoZoomExternalHeight(id, width, height, responsive) { var parentWidth = aiAutoZoomExternal(id, width, responsive); var zoomRatio = window['zoom_' + id]; var oldScrollposition = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); var newHeight = Math.ceil(height*zoomRatio); jQuery('#ai-zoom-div-' + id).css('height', newHeight); jQuery(document).scrollTop(oldScrollposition); return parentWidth; } function aiAutoZoomExternal(id, width, responsive) { var obj = document.getElementById(id); var objAround = document.getElementById('ai-zoom-div-' +id); var jObj = jQuery('#' + id); if (responsive === 'true') { jObj.css('max-width', '100%'); } var iframeWidth = width; var parentWidth = aiGetParentIframeWidth(obj); if (parentWidth === iframeWidth) { // we check again the sourounding div as some browser do return the zoomes value! parentWidth = aiGetParentIframeWidth(objAround); } var zoomRatio = parentWidth / iframeWidth; var zoomRatioRounded = Math.floor(zoomRatio * 100) / 100; if (zoomRatioRounded > 1) { zoomRatioRounded = 1; } setZoom(id, zoomRatioRounded); window['zoom_' + id] = zoomRatioRounded; jObj.width(iframeWidth).css('max-width', 'none'); return parentWidth; } function aiAutoZoom(id, responsive, ratio) { var parts = ratio.split('|'); ratio = parts[0]; var width = -1; if (parts.length !== 1) { width = parts[1]; } var obj = document.getElementById(id); var iframeWidth; if (width === -1) { obj.width = 1; // set to 1 because otherwise the iframe does never get smaller. obj.style.width = '1px'; iframeWidth = aiGetIframeWidth(obj); obj.width = iframeWidth; obj.style.width = iframeWidth + 'px'; } else { iframeWidth = width; } var parentWidth = aiAutoZoomExternal(id, iframeWidth, responsive); if (ratio === '') { aiResizeIframe(obj, false); } else { var newheight = Math.ceil(iframeWidth * ratio); obj.height = newheight; obj.style.height = newheight + 'px'; // set the height of the zoom div if (jQuery('#ai-zoom-div-' + obj.id).length !== 0) { var zoom = window['zoom_' + obj.id]; jQuery('#ai-zoom-div-' + obj.id).css('height', Math.ceil(newheight * zoom)); } } return parentWidth; } /** * Set the zoom div settings dynamically. */ function setZoom(id, zoom) { var obj = jQuery('#' + id); if (aiIsIe8 === true) { obj.css('-ms-zoom', zoom); } obj.css({ '-ms-transform': 'scale(' + zoom + ')', '-moz-transform': 'scale(' + zoom + ')', '-o-transform': 'scale(' + zoom + ')', '-webkit-transform': 'scale(' + zoom + ')', 'transform': 'scale(' + zoom + ')' }); } function aiAutoZoomViewport(id, full) { var viewport_div = jQuery(id); var outer_div = viewport_div.parent(); var counter = 0; // We only go up and look for divs which are not from ai or p elements which are rendered by mistake. while (outer_div.is('p') || (outer_div.attr('id') !== undefined && outer_div.attr('id').indexOf('ai-') === 0)) { outer_div = outer_div.parent(); if (counter++ > 10) { alert('Unexpected div structure. Please disable the zoom.'); break; } } var viewport_div_width = viewport_div.width(); var outer_div_width = outer_div.width(); var viewport_div_height = viewport_div.height(); var zoom = outer_div_width / viewport_div_width; if (full === 'true' && zoom > 1) { zoom = 1; } setZoom(viewport_div.attr('id'), zoom); // set the margin because otherwise it is normally "centered" in the old area var margin_left = -Math.round((viewport_div_width - viewport_div_width * zoom) / 2); var margin_top = -Math.round((viewport_div_height - viewport_div_height * zoom) / 2); viewport_div.css({ 'margin-left': margin_left + 'px', 'margin-right': margin_left + 'px', 'margin-top': margin_top + 'px', 'margin-bottom': margin_top + 'px' }); } function resetAiSettings() { jQuery('#action').val('reset'); } function aiCheckInputNumber(inputField) { inputField.value = inputField.value.split(' ').join(''); var f = inputField.value; if (inputField.value === '') { return; } // var match = f.match(/^(\-){0,1}[\d\.]+(px|%|em|pt)?[\+\-]?[\d\.]?(px|%|em|pt)?$/); var match = f.match(/^(\-){0,1}([\d\.])+(px|%|em|pt)?(\-|\+){0,1}([\d\.]){0,7}(px|%|em|pt)?$/); if (!match) { alert('Please check the value you have entered. Only numbers with a dot or with an optional px, %, em or pt are allowed.'); setTimeout(function(){inputField.focus();}, 10); } } function aiCheckInputNumberOnly(inputField) { inputField.value = inputField.value.split(' ').join(''); var f = inputField.value; if (inputField.value === '') { inputField.value = '0'; return; } var match = f.match(/^(\-){0,1}([\d\.])+$/); if (!match) { alert('Please check the value you have entered. Only numbers without a dot or optional px, %, em or pt are allowed.'); setTimeout(function(){inputField.focus();}, 10); } } function showHeader() { var y = jQuery(window).scrollTop(); jQuery(window).scrollTop(y-40); } function setAiScrollposition() { var scrollposition = jQuery(document).scrollTop(); jQuery('#scrollposition').val(scrollposition); // +32 } function resetShowPartOfAnIframe(id) { jQuery('#' + id).css('top','0px').css('left','0px').css('position','static'); jQuery('#ai-div-' + id).css('width','auto').css('height','auto').css('overflow','auto').css('position','static'); } function ai_showLayerIframe(event, id, path, hide_until_loaded, show_loading_icon, keep, reload) { keep = (keep === undefined) ? false : keep; reload = (reload === undefined) ? true : reload; var layer_id = '#' + id; jQuery('#ai-zoom-div-' + id).show(); if (reload && hide_until_loaded === 'true') { jQuery(layer_id).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } jQuery(layer_id).show(); if ( jQuery( '#ai-layer-div-' + id ).length ) { layer_id = '#ai-layer-div-' + id; jQuery(layer_id).show(); } jQuery('body').css('overflow','hidden'); jQuery('html').css('overflow-y','visible'); jQuery('body').append(''); // was 'body' before var icon = ''; if (reload && show_loading_icon==='true') { icon = '
'; } jQuery(layer_id).parent().append('
' + icon); jQuery( '#ai_backlink, #ai_backlayer' ).click(function() { ai_hideLayerIframe(id, keep); }); if (!reload) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } function ai_hideLayerIframe(id, keep) { jQuery('#' + id).hide(); if (!keep) { jQuery('#' + id).attr('src', 'about:blank'); ai_layer_iframe_hrefs[id] = 'about:blank'; } jQuery('#ai-zoom-div-' + id).hide(); jQuery('#ai-layer-div-' + id).hide(); jQuery('#ai_backlink').remove(); jQuery('#ai_backlayer').remove(); jQuery('#ai-div-loader-global').remove(); jQuery('body').css('overflow','auto'); jQuery('html').css('overflow-y','scroll'); } /** * As the src of an iframe cannot be read from a remote domain we remember * the urls from the links here for each opened iframe. */ var ai_layer_iframe_hrefs = []; /** * Check if the location of the iframe is already the one of the link. * The iframe is only loaded if it is was not loaded already. * * true - if src and url of the iframe is different and need to be loaded * false - if it is already the same; */ function ai_checkReload (link, id) { var iframe_src; if(typeof ai_layer_iframe_hrefs[id] === 'undefined') { iframe_src = jQuery('#' + id).attr('src'); } else { iframe_src = ai_layer_iframe_hrefs[id]; } var link_href = jQuery(link).attr('href'); // alert(link_href + ": iframe:" + iframe_src); ai_layer_iframe_hrefs[id] = link_href; return (iframe_src !== link_href); } /** * This changes the current url and adds or updates the * existing parameter with the given url */ function aiChangeUrlParam(loc, param, orig, prefix) { var newUrl; if (loc !== encodeURIComponent(orig)) { newUrl = aiSetGetParameter(param, loc); var removeProtocol = true; if (prefix) { var repUrl = newUrl.replace(prefix,''); if (repUrl === newUrl) { removeProtocol = false; } newUrl = repUrl; } // remove protocoll if (removeProtocol) { newUrl = newUrl.replace('http%3A%2F%2F',''); if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().startsWith("http:")) { newUrl = newUrl.replace('https%3A%2F%2F','s|'); } else { newUrl = newUrl.replace('https%3A%2F%2F',''); } } } else { var fullUrl = window.location.href; newUrl = aiRemoveURLParameter(fullUrl, param); } if (aiSupportsHistoryApi()) { newUrl = newUrl.replace(/%2F/g,'/'); window.history.pushState({}, '', newUrl); // I asume the back button is clicked. window.onpopstate = function(event) { if(event && event.state) { window.history.back(); } }; } } function aiSupportsHistoryApi() { return !!(window.history && history.pushState); } function aigetIframeLocation(id) { try { var location = document.getElementById(id).contentWindow.location; return encodeURIComponent(location); } catch(e) { if (console && console.log) { console.log('Advanced iframe configuration error: You have enabled to add the url to the url on the same domain. But you use an iframe page on a different domain. You need to use the pro version of the external workaround like described in the settings. Also check the next log. There the browser message for this error is displayed.'); console.log(e); } } } /** * Replaces a url parameter with a given value. */ function aiSetGetParameter(paramName, paramValue) { var url = window.location.href; var splitAtAnchor = url.split('#'); url = splitAtAnchor[0]; var anchor = typeof splitAtAnchor[1] === 'undefined' ? '' : '#' + splitAtAnchor[1]; if (url.indexOf(paramName + '=') >= 0) { var prefix = url.substring(0, url.indexOf(paramName)); var suffix = url.substring(url.indexOf(paramName)); suffix = suffix.substring(suffix.indexOf('=') + 1); suffix = (suffix.indexOf('&') >= 0) ? suffix.substring(suffix.indexOf('&')) : ''; url = prefix + paramName + '=' + paramValue + suffix; } else { if (url.indexOf('?') < 0) { url += '?' + paramName + '=' + paramValue; } else { url += '&' + paramName + '=' + paramValue; } } return url + anchor; } /** * Remove a given parameter from the url */ function aiRemoveURLParameter(url, parameter) { //prefer to use l.search if you have a location/link object var urlparts= url.split('?'); if (urlparts.length>=2) { var prefix= encodeURIComponent(parameter)+'='; var pars= urlparts[1].split(/[&;]/g); //reverse iteration as may be destructive for (var i= pars.length; i-- > 0;) { //idiom for string.startsWith if (pars[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) !== -1) { pars.splice(i, 1); } } if (pars.length !== 0) { url= urlparts[0]+'?'+pars.join('&'); } else { url= urlparts[0]; } return url; } else { return url; } } /** * Adds css to the end of the body to make sure that styles are * not overwritten by inline css of any kind. */ function aiAddCss(id,css){ css = decodeURIComponent(css.replace(/\+/g, '%20')); var body = jQuery(id).contents().find('body'); var s = document.createElement('style'); s.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); if (s.styleSheet) { // IE s.styleSheet.cssText = css; } else { // the world s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); } body.append(s); } /** * add a css file to the end of the body to make sure that styles * are not overwritten by inline css of any kind. */ function aiAddCssFile(id, filename) { var body = jQuery(id).contents().find('body'); var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type ='text/css'; link.href = filename; body.append(link); } /** * Add a Javascript file to the end of the body */ function aiAddJsFile(id, filename) { jQuery.ajaxSetup({ cache:true}); var body = jQuery(id).contents().find('body'); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type ='text/javascript'; script.src = filename; body.append(script); } function aiPresetFullscreen() { jQuery('#style').val('position:fixed;z-index:9000;top:0px;left:0px;margin:0px'); jQuery('#width').val('100%'); jQuery('#height').val('100%'); jQuery('#content_id').val('html,body'); jQuery('#content_styles').val('overflow:hidden'); jQuery('#hide_content_until_iframe_color').val('#ffffff'); } /** * main ready function that calls all generated callbacks. * Add dynamically created functions that should be loaded * when the page is read to aiReadyCallbacks */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery.each(aiReadyCallbacks, function(index, callback){ callback(); }); jQuery('#checkIframes').on('click', function(){ jQuery(this).addClass('disabled'); jQuery('.ai-spinner').css('display','inline-table'); setTimeout(ai_disableCheckIframes, 200); }); var moved=false; jQuery('#aiDebugDivTotal').mousedown(function(){moved=false;}).mousemove(function(){moved=true;}).mouseup(function(event){ if(!moved){ var elem = jQuery('#aiDebugDiv'); if (Math.floor(elem.height()) > '300') { elem.height('38px'); } else { elem.height('400px'); } } }); if (typeof ai_show_id_only !== 'undefined') { if (jQuery('#' + ai_show_id_only).length === 0) { alert('The element with the id "' + ai_show_id_only + '" cannot be found. Please check your configuration.'); } else { var element = jQuery('#' + ai_show_id_only); element.siblings().hide(); var parents = element.parents(); parents.siblings().hide(); parents.css('padding', '0px').css('margin', '0px'); // we send the size of the element as post message if we are in an iframe if(parent===top) { var elementRaw = element[0]; var newHeightRaw = Math.max(elementRaw.scrollHeight, elementRaw.offsetHeight); var newHeight = parseInt(newHeightRaw,10); var data = { 'aitype' : 'height', 'height' : newHeight, 'id' : ai_show_id_only}; var json_data = JSON.stringify(data); parent.postMessage(json_data, '*'); } } } }); function ai_disableCheckIframes() { jQuery('#checkIframes').prop('disabled','disabled'); } function gup( name, url ) { if (!url) { url = location.href; } name = name.replace(/[\[]/,'\\\[').replace(/[\]]/,'\\\]'); var regexS = '[\\?&]'+name+'=([^&#]*)'; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec( url ); return results == null ? null : results[1]; } function aiProcessMessage(event,id,debug) { var jsObject; try { var jsObject = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch(e) { // Result is not expected so we try if data is an object already // because a converter was not implemented properly. if (debug === 'debug' && console && console.log) { console.log('The received message cannot be parsed and seems not to belong to advanced iframe pro. Please disable the postMessage debug mode if this o.k. and that this message is not shown anymore.'); console.log(e); } var jsObject = event.data; } try { // we only process objects from advenced iframe if (jsObject.hasOwnProperty('aitype')) { // we only process the ones for the same id here. if ( id === jsObject.id) { var type = jsObject.aitype; if (type === 'debug') { aiProcessDebug(jsObject); } else if (type === 'scrollToTop') { aiProcessScrollToTop(jsObject); } else { // check if the data is of the expected if (type === 'height') { aiProcessHeight(jsObject); } else if (type === 'show') { aiProcessShow(jsObject); } for (var key in jsObject.data) { if (jsObject.data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { jQuery(key).html(jsObject.data[key]); } } } } } } catch(e) { if (debug === 'debug' && console && console.log) { console.log('The received message cannot be parsed and seems not to belong to advanced iframe pro. Please disable the postMessage debug mode if this o.k. and that this message is not shown anymore.'); console.log(e); } } } function aiProcessDebug(jsObject) { var debugData = jsObject.data; if (jQuery('#aiDebugDiv').length !== 0) { jQuery('#aiDebugDiv').append('

r: ' + debugData + '

'); } } function aiProcessScrollToTop(jsObject) { var id = jsObject.id; aiScrollToTop(id, aiOnloadScrollTop); } function aiProcessHeight(jsObject) { var nHeight = jsObject.height; // gup("height",data); var nWidth = jsObject.width; // gup("width",data); var id = jsObject.id; // gup("id",data); if (nHeight != null) { try { var loc = jsObject.loc; // gup("loc",data); if (loc != null) { aiChangeUrl(loc); } if (id != null) { var iHeight = parseInt(nHeight,10); var iWidth = parseInt(nWidth,10); aiResizeIframeHeightId(iHeight,iWidth, id); aiShowIframeId(id); } else { alert('Please update the ai_external.js to the current version.'); } } catch(e) { if (console && console.log) { console.log(e); } } } } function aiProcessShow(jsObject) { var id = jsObject.id; try { aiShowIframeId(id); } catch(e) { if (console && console.log) { console.log(e); } } };